Wiring Services for Retrofit & New Construction
Our wiring and engineering work with clients in the design and installation of cabling plans meet both existing and future needs, in productivity and communication, as well as entertainment.

Wide variety of wireless solutions
Combining these fundamental elements ensures client satisfaction by providing the home or office with an efficient “plug-n-play” environment for computers, Internet, home audio or dozens of interface devices.
Additionally, for those wishing to be “wireless,” we employ a wide variety of wireless solutions for both home and corporate networks.
Contact our wiring design and engineering for all your wiring and wireless needs at  contact@alexandertech-la.com or 866-299-4363.
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Warranty & Guarantees
We are committed to making our customers happy for their entire lifetime and we strive to provide the kind of value that will make you want to keep coming back to us. Therefore, when the unexpected happens you will know you are in good hands. Learn More